*Update* Website Issues This Month

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In the beginning of this month (October), we switched the website over to a new hosting plan, in hopes of drastically improving load times. The site is fast as hell now. HopelessHQ was switched from a shared plan to a VPS (Virtual Private Server). A few days after the switch was completed, we noticed that new subscribers weren’t gaining access to the website. This was due to a fatal error regarding the new server’s time zone setting. This seems like a minor issue, but it completely killed the site and prevented any new subs or purchases. You’re probably thinking, “Just change the time zone,” but we tried that, and it ended up not being that easy. We had to get multiple developers involved, and after over 2 weeks of problem solving, it seemed that our former hosting provider hardcodes in a UTC time of -5, because it works better for their servers. Literally off by 5 hours and it crashed the site, lol.

Well, 2 weeks later (and a whole lot of wasted time), we are now on a new VPS through a new hosting provider. Everything seems to be working great. We’re running even faster load times than the last VPS. So yay, super fast site!

I’m sorry if any of you experienced these difficulties. I know a handful of you tried to subscribe over the last two weeks, and hope that sign-up error didn’t dissuade you from joining the site.  This entire site is built/maintained by a team of 2 people, and we were working as hard as possible to get this thing back up and running.

If you attempted to make an order between October 4th and October 24th, and didn’t contact me about a solution, please feel free to re-subscribe or re-attempt your purchase.

TLDR: Moved site to a VPS. VPS had some bad code that fucked up HopelessHQ. Moved site to a new VPS through a new host. Site is now working again, and super fast!

Thank you so much for your patience and support.

I have lots of great, unique things being offered this month, and hope you enjoy!


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